Screen Free Childhood – One Year On

This week our four children (7, 5, 3 and 1) will have been screen free for a year. A YEAR! I didn’t tell anyone that I was attempting it, mainly because I was pretty certain that at some point I would quit, and it would have been easier to quit

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Explore by Topic Marriage by Topic Motherhood  by Topic Home Education by Topic Homemaking

Our Family of FOUR

Freddie turns four months old this week, we have just celebrated four years of marriage and so it feels like a good moment to reflect on our new life

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A Baby Free Night in Nyack

J and I just celebrated our FIFTH wedding anniversary. FIVE YEARS!? I honestly cannot believe how quickly that has gone by. But I guess that

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I am 23

The great thing about not looking at your wedding photos for such a long time is that they come back to life. Well, not literally because they are

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My Miracle Wedding Dress

Less than five months to go till the wedding and I was yet another dress shop failing to find ‘the perfect dress’ that didn’t cost

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The Proposal – November 2012

The Vale Fireworks. The highlight of the winter term and the day had finally come. I LOVE fireworks! Thousands of students huddled around the beautiful lake wrapped

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I am 23

The great thing about not looking at your wedding photos for such a long time is that they come back to life. Well, not literally because they are

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Our Big Why – Time Matters

I hear this idea that gets thrown around a lot in the parenting world that it is all about ‘quality time’ with your children. As

Our Big Why – Cultivating Faith

I believe that the best gift that I can give to my children is a foundation of faith, scripture and a childhood of training in

Why I am not sending her to preschool

Belle is fast approaching three and so lots of people have been asking about school. Well, she actually started about six months ago… at home.

Making Home… again!

Back in June I packed up our flat in Holloway and today, 4 months later, our things are scheduled to arrive. Don’t even talk to me

We cannot wait to be Home

So, I have my one way ticket to America in a few days time, Belle and I will be on our way to our new home. We

Very Easy Homemade Granola

And it has happened. It was only a matter of time before a few food posts found their way onto Wylie Diaries. So here it is, welcome

Home Sweet Home

Appreciation of the space that we have. That is my decision. London – you are worth it (for now). Thank you Lord for our lovely

Making Home… again!

Back in June I packed up our flat in Holloway and today, 4 months later, our things are scheduled to arrive. Don’t even talk to me

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Cute Pastel Outfit Combinations and Ideas to Wear Pastel

Pastels is one of the major trends this season, but many women (including myself) find wearing pastels a challenge. They can wash you out, look too ‘sweet’ or take you back to your children’s years!

"I am hugely
about biblical
wife life, home-
education, and
living free
from overwhelm
through minimalism,
and the art
of homemaking."


Siân here! Currently spending my days raising our four children (6, 4, 2 and almost 1) in the glorious sunshine in Southern California. Home educating, homemaking and trying my best to serve God right where I am.

I am aware that the world has totally moved on from blogs… I see you, TikTok. That said, I still enjoy a good blog. I feel that browsing someone’s blog is the next best thing to visiting a friend’s home. And with all of our family and many of our friends living on the other side of the world, I want to create the online version of ‘come and pop over for a catch up‘, just without the cup of tea! (Although feel free to bring your own).

Come on in – let’s hang out!