
Happy 1st Birthday Freddie

And just like that our second baby is one. Our loving, squishy, happy sweet Freddie bear is ONE. Already. Freddie, it is hard to remember

Recharging and Snow Day fun

And I’m back! A few months ago my laptop died a sudden, sad and painful death. Long story short, it has taken almost three months to

Our Family of FOUR

Freddie turns four months old this week, we have just celebrated four years of marriage and so it feels like a good moment to reflect on our new life

Freddie’s Birth Story

I am so glad that I documented Belle’s birth story just after she was born because it is amazing how much of it fades away with time and I

When Belle met Freddie

We had been waiting for this moment and here it was. Freddie was just a few hours old and Belle was on her way to the