
A category description is a paragraph or two of content on the page representing an entire category of blog posts

We Are Coming Home

When we first came to the States, over six years ago, with a couple of suitcases and an *almost* one year old we had no

Our upstate 4th July

So, before J and I knew each other we both spent the same three weeks back in 2010 in America visiting family friends. I went

Lessons from Lockdown

Here we are, heading into month seven of our new normal (thanks to Covid-19 for sponsoring this blogpost). And whilst there is a LOT to

Making California Home

We are just over a month into life here in SoCal and it is pretty much the total opposite to life on the East Coast

West Coast Halloween

There are lots of not so great things about Halloween, I know, however I do think that it is the best way to get out and get

Soaking up the City

Labor Day means that summer is pretty much over, but with the weather still solidly in the 30s (or 90s!) it really doesn’t feel like

Belle turns 3

Sweet Belle, I am tempted to say stop growing up so fast but I wont because of how much I love watching you grow and