
Can’t stop thinking about homeschool? 

I see you, wondering. Day dreaming about what home schooling could look like. The freedom, the slower pace, the time with your child. Perhaps your child is approaching ‘school age’ and the idea that in a few short months they will be off to school doesn’t sit right. Don’t ignore that or brush it off. That may be your motherly instinct speaking.

Sure there are nerves when you are starting something new but if you keep coming back to wondering about home education for your child then you owe it to yourself and your child to listen to that and at least explore it. 

Whilst I don’t believe that home education is the best decision for every family, I think that far more Christian parents should at least explore the idea. 

Whilst the Bible is not explicit about home education I think it has a lot to say when it comes to our responsibility as parents in the raising and education of our children. I will link a blog post here with some scripture references that really influenced our decision to home educate. 

It is also important to say that we do know a few Christians who sent their children to public school and they did wonderfully. Those children are now faith filled Christian adults. However, I also see that those few seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Those families that managed that successfully really did put in the work at home and were incredibly intentional with how they did that. 

I think what is much more common is those who innocently do what everyone else is doing by default. They don’t consider the options that they have, send their children to the local school at four, take them to church on Sunday, pray before bed and hope the Sunday school teacher/youth worker is great and that is it. Sadly, that just most often is no where near enough. 

Maybe you know of one other home educating family and you are curious. Maybe you don’t know anyone but the is Lord putting it on your heart? I know that it feels intimidating and I am sure you are full of questions, fears and doubts – that is where most of us start! But I am here to tell you that if you have a feeling that this is the right thing for your child then do it. 

The beautiful thing about the home education journey is that you can take it really slow. Year by year, child by child, along with your husband, you can reassess the decision each year. That is how I started, I said I would try it for a year and honestly, despite many moves and adding four more children to our family it has been such a clear decision for us that we never even really reassessed it. 

We have home educated from day one. Our children have never been to any kind of daycare/preschool setting which has perhaps made our journey ‘easier’ as we didn’t ever have to deregister or de-school our kids. For us it was such a natural progression. As parents, you are teaching your babies, toddlers and preschoolers all day everyday just by having them around. You teach them their sounds, numbers, colours. Then you teach them to wash their hands, put on their shoes and write their name. Home education is a surprisingly natural progression from that. 

I hope to one day fill every corner of this blog with encouragement, tips and support for other Mums, but in the meantime if you are the Mum wondering about home education the be brave and start exploring. I assure you that no-one is better qualified or positioned to teach your child than you, after all, you are the world’s leading expert in your child.

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