Author: Sian Wylie

Sian Wylie

Currently spending my days raising our four children (aged 6, 5, 3 and 1) in the glorious sunshine in Southern California. Home educating, homemaking and trying my best to serve God right where I am. I am aware that the world has totally moved on from blogs… I see you, TikTok. That said, I still enjoy a good blog. I feel that browsing someone’s blog is the next best thing to visiting a friend’s home. Come on in – let’s hang out!

A Baby Free Night in Nyack

J and I just celebrated our FIFTH wedding anniversary. FIVE YEARS!? I honestly cannot believe how quickly that has gone by. But I guess that

Happy 1st Birthday Freddie

And just like that our second baby is one. Our loving, squishy, happy sweet Freddie bear is ONE. Already. Freddie, it is hard to remember

Get us out of Here

These photos are from the other weekend when we had our first burst of reasonable weather. Naturally we raced straight to the playground to enjoy

We all got a cold for Christmas

Christmas 2017 – the year that we had to cancel Christmas lunch with our friends, we all got sick and spent a whole week at

Recharging and Snow Day fun

And I’m back! A few months ago my laptop died a sudden, sad and painful death. Long story short, it has taken almost three months to

When Gramps and Uncle Bryn met Freddie

After a seriously delayed flight, a few months of planning and a very questionable Airbnb booking, Gramps and Uncle Bryn arrived stateside for a whole

Belle Turns 2

My fearless, sassy, smart, compassionate beautiful little girl, Happy Birthday. I cannot believe that you have only been in our lives for two years. How have

Our Family of FOUR

Freddie turns four months old this week, we have just celebrated four years of marriage and so it feels like a good moment to reflect on our new life