
I flipping love my Job

Last week we were at the Birth Registry office and the administrator asked “Mrs Wylie, what is your occupation?” … “I am a stay at home Mum”. That is the first time that I have been able to answer that question with complete confidence and pride because I am finally doing my dream job and I love it. *Disclaimer* – I am NOT saying that having a baby is easy (it really isn’t and I have the dark circles under my eyes to prove it!) but when you are doing something that you truly love you can put a lot of the negatives aside.

Waking up next to Belle each morning is just the most incredible feeling. Despite the five weeks of pretty consistent sleep deprivation her little smile makes me feel like I have enough energy to get through the day. The hours are incredibly long, you don’t get any breaks/holiday/weekends and the pay is pretty rough but I feel like I have won the lottery getting to spend everyday with her.

I am so thankful that it is possible for me to stay at home with our little girl. We are seriously lucky  to be living in Zone two, with a baby, on one income and making ends meet. God is good – Amen!?

Being a Mum is all that I have ever really wanted to do. My biggest fear has always been being told that I could not have children. Sure I have had other interests that I have pursued to some extent, like Law and teaching, but I was always drawn back to my burning desire to be a Mum and I cannot believe that I am now doing it.

Since we got married I have been floating around trying different things but I finally feel that I am doing what I am meant to be doing.

I thank Jesus for my beautiful family and my ongoing prayer is that He will guide me through this crazy journey that is motherhood.

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